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Thursday, May 28, 2009
4:42 AM

YUWEN(: PONG. i'm not a fairy in a flower.
wanying: haaha thanks lot (:
ming xuan: uh yay? is that a good thing?
rymond:): ahah RYMOLINA. the bus thing was lame. especially the bomb part.
YUWEN(: lol ONGYUWEN make up your mind if you want to be a pingpong ball or a pebble.

3:42 AM

ahah. Amanda has officially decided to henceforth reply all tags dating back to the first one in May 2009 because some IDIOT bet that i am incapable of accomplishing that.
you buttwipe. I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU.
笨笨. huh piss me off.
yesterday ExtremesJuniorTeam had our first match against UOB (the bank? LMAO).
yay we won. it's a good omen.
siao before that we still had training but at least it wasn't PT.
OMG training was super fun.
the first hour or so we were like discussing about the camp and all that so no PT.
then after that we played this absurd catching game that made me run and run and run and made Tanji lose her voice. so no PT.
lol. dumb lah wth.
then after that we played streets. and so no PT!
today was the last day of the FREAKIN semester.
WJP made us paste Post-it®s on people's work rofl.
then me ongyuwen and jiefei were like aiyah anyhow stick lah. just stick for the people you know.
LOL then tanbinghwang got super alot of votes LMAO.
funny funny.
that's all for today.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
7:15 AM

omg tired tired tired tired.
lol. today was not an exceptionally special day.
although my hair did manage to look more screwed than usual. i don't know how that's possible but things happen.
PONG fixed my hair. YAY. hurray for PONG the insanely magnificent pebble.
today played streets with Tanji they all. lol. then went back to class that time WJP looked at me like she saw a freak. which she probably did but that's besides the point.
urgh. my hair.
yesterday was a better day. after PE we had MsKali. she made us do the Macbeth prose?/drama?/play thing? WHATEVER. something along those lines anyway.
ya then Cheng was all three witches at once.
LOL. helped him tie his hair with neon-pink hair ties.
omg damn funny. then he go ask me take out. STUPID ahaah then got like 2 things sticking out of his head. dumb eh wth LOL.
tuesday was a nice day.
i think we were doing treatment for VJ. then the Rymo suddenly decided to draw something on my hand. oh hurray. what a pretty basketball! LOL then he use highlighter somemore then was like super bright -.-''
and then he drew a TURTLE. wth trying to say i stupid horh. HUH.
win loh.
after that we went to the TeaChapter thingy.
lol it was quite fun. but i think we bully Raquel we made her make the tea.
oops? sorry. haha.
then the bus ride back to school was pretty uneventful.
except for the part when Elijah pulled Rymond behind the bus seat. THAT was funny. lol.
but ya. that's about it.