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♥ Oops
Saturday, March 29, 2008
7:03 AM

my blog looks wrong.
i think i just did something i really shouldn't have.
uh oh...
dammit. just not all that IT-sevy.
oh well...
i'll figure it out.
i hope.
things are well, you could say, a little WEIRD...
read something that was, well, a different perspective? in a way.
alot of contradiction...
no link...?[quoted from WENN]
CONFUZZLING...[quoted from Ferris]
ah well...
no comment.
it really isn't any of my business whatsoever so i'm not going to say anything.

went to WaterWays Watch Society(or at least that's what i think it's called anyway)today...
i guess it was quite okay...
went with S104...
they're quite a bubbly lot... quite nice to be around anyway...
only me and the polarbear were from 102; so ya... was a bit awkward, but still okay...
just before we were leaving the school, we had our first glimpse of 104's form having a change of the normal, sane clothing she usually wore.
it just looks DAMN funny.
was laughing like mad.
was so sian in the bus lar...
sadded. sat on my own...
hao gu dan...
oh well...
then for some reason some weird person was kind enough to start this little conversation with Rymond:

Daniel: Rymond, why your
friend so emo der?

Rymond: dunno...
Rymond: oh and you want to know what her hair is
called? it's called Amanda's Emo Fringe.

oh i am so PISSED.
but anyway...
so Kallang was quite okay, all in all...
a refreshing experience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
7:00 AM

argh... heats today at NUSH...
we got like 3rd?
still not bad worhh...
saw wenjun...
he was like quarrelling with huisi like they had some sort of mouth-contagiable disease... foul, rancid language... Oo
when wen, ham, karhui and i so much as just STEPPED into NUS High, we were like OMG. i mean, it practically makes nanhua shrink in comparison!!
waseh... the school is like so style k?
wenjun, i so jealous of you!!
so ya.
before the heats it felt like my stomach was infested with BUTTERFLIES.
like lol.
wen said she had bees. lol.
and she and ham were like singing the polar bear SONG? -.-''
so ya.
saw karine at the clementi mrt station. Oo
well ya. that's about it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
11:39 PM

urgh... math remedial today... i just TOTALLY bored my arse off... urgh. revolting. anyways...
hehe. coach(i'm not exactly sure how to spell her surname so i think i'd better not attempt to for fear of insulting her father)asked us whether we enjoyed training and which of the seniors we idolised. well, i don't think we were SUPPOSED to say we didn't right? anyway, i didn't exactly lie, i do enjoy training... well most of the time anyway.
hahas. my idol. this not being biased but she is really my IDOL!! though i'm afraid her name is also amanda. hur... wadeva.
whee!! tuesday just had to be the most fun i had during this pathetically, measly, digustingly, incorrigibly SHORT march holidays. even if we were doing a PROJECT, even if we somehow had had the MISFORTUNE of meeting elijah. haha. he didn't manage to make me break my new year's resolution. TOO BAD ELIJAH!! hehe. i'm so proud of myself. wadeva.
argh... too bad you weren't there wen... was with ham and junchao's vera. hee. ham didn't do what she did the last time we went out. i'll not mention it here, or someone may just attempt to thrash me. hee...
whoots. haven't touched much homework.
best be going.
i'll be back as soon as possible.
which, i honestly don't know how long it would take for me to fulfil.
ah well...

Saturday, March 1, 2008
5:21 AM

so it has been a REALLY long time since i last got to see my own blog. so that may sound a bit weird..

ya anyway.
road run yesterday. urgh. feet hurt.. lol had mass games. out of the running. for some reason. sadded.

oh well..
some common test results released... i PASSED my chinese!! by some who-knows-what kind of miraculous displacement? lol.
NanHua is AMAZING... the people there are so very, well, nice. definitely a little OVERLY enthusiastic, perhaps? as well as a few emotional people too you could say; but still. they're nice people.
but of course still missing greenridge i guess. the place, the people.

new school. new environment. new people.
it's a whole new world out there.